MPG HLL Profile
The MPG HLL is dedicated to develop, process and provide commercially non-available state of-the-art semiconductor radiation detectors for advanced experiments. Specially focusing on high energy, material and astrophysics research. From the very first detector concept followed by simulation, design, electronics implementation and testing, our technology is tailored to the special requirements of specific and challenging detector applications. Important features are in particular the ability to build wafer size defect free double sided detectors on ultrapure silicon. We are one of the few places in the world where a monolithic integration of electronics into the detector fabrication process (signal processing, first amplification) has successfully been solved without degrading the detector performance.
Until the beginning of the year 2024, we were located on the Siemens campus in Munich's Neuperlach district. We have now moved into our new building at Isarauenweg 1 in Garching. Here we have an ISO3 class clean room, which, in addition to silicon production, also includes an assembly area and test facilities for electrical and spectroscopic measurements. The infrastructure in the new building has been expanded to include chemical supplies, wet benches and furnace processes. With the new high-tech laboratory, we want to further expand our technology, broaden our horizons and start new projects with new partners from the neighborhood.
The official opening took place on October 7 and 8.