Publikationen 2020
The BepiColombo Mercury Imaging X-Ray Spectrometer: Science Goals, Instrument Performance and Operations, Bunce E.J., Martindale A., Lindsay S., Muinonen K., Rothery D.A., Pearson J., McDonnell I., Thomas C., Thornhill J., Tikkanen T., Feldman C., Huovelin J., Korpela S., Esko E., Lehtolainen A., Treis J., Majewski P., Hilchenbach M., Väisänen T., Luttinen A., Kohout T., Penttilä A., Bridges J., Joy K.H., Alcacera-Gil M.A., Alibert G., Anand M., Bannister N., Barcelo-Garcia C., Bicknell C., Blake O., Bland P., Butcher G., Cheney A., Christensen U., Crawford T., Crawford I.A., Dennerl K., Dougherty M., Drumm P., Fairbend R., Genzer M., Grande M., Hall G.P., Hodnett R., Houghton P., Imber S., Kallio E., Lara M.L., Balado Margeli A., Mas-Hesse M.J., Maurice S., Milan S., Millington-Hotze P., Nenonen S., Nittler L., Okada T., Ormö J., Perez-Mercader J., Poyner R., Robert E., Ross D., Pajas-Sanz M., Schyns E., Seguy J., Strüder L., Vaudon N., Viceira-Martín J., Williams H., Willingale D., Yeoman T., 2020, Space Science Reviews, 216, 8
Characterisation of a silicon drift detector for high-resolution electron spectroscopy, Gugiatti M., Biassoni M., Carminati M., Cremonesi O., Fiorini C., King P., Lechner P., Mertens S., Pagnanini L., Pavan M., Pozzi S., 2020, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 979,
Characterization of the detection chain of the Micro-channel X-ray Telescope, Ceraudo F., Meuris A., Doumayrou E., Dumaye L., Goetschy A., Lavanant T., Lortholary M., Le Mer I., Nico F., Pinsard F., Prieur M., Renaud D., Schneider B., Tourrette T., Visticot F., Meidinger N., Mießner D., Götz D., 2020, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 973,
Effects of gamma irradiation on DEPFET pixel sensors for the Belle II experiment, Schreeck H., Paschen B., Wieduwilt P., Ahlburg P., Andricek L., Dingfelder J., Frey A., Lütticke F., Marinas C., Richter R., Schwenker B., 2020, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 959,
Characterization of a 256 × 256 pixel DEPFET detector for the WFI of Athena, Treberspurg W., Andritschke R., Behrens A., Bonholzer M., Emberger V., Hauser G., Lechner P., Meidinger N., Müller-Seidlitz J., 2020, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 958,
EDET DH80k - characterization of a DePFET based sensor for TEM direct electron imaging, Predikaka M., Bähr A., Koffmane C., Ninković J., Prinker E., Richter R., Treis J., Wassatsch A., 2020, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 958,
Belle II pixel detector: Performance of final DEPFET modules, Paschen B., Abudinen F., Ackermann K., Ahlburg P., Albalawi M., Alonso O., Andricek L., Ayad R., Babu V., Bai Y., Bilka T., Blanco R., Boronat M., Bozek A., Camien C., Caldwell A., Chekelian V., Deschamps B., Dieguez A., Dingfelder J., Doležal Z., Esperante D., Fras M., Frey A., Fuster J., Gabriel M., Gadow K., Gebauer U., Germic L., Gessler T., Getzkow D., Gioi L., Gomis P., Heck M., Hemperek T., Hensel M., Hoek M., Huber S., Kandra J., Kapusta P., Kiesling C., Kisielewski B., Kittlinger D., Klose D., Kodyš P., Koffmane C., Konorov I., Krivokuca S., Krüger H., Kuhr T., Kühn W., Kvasnička P., Lacasta C., Lange J.S., Lautenbach K., Leis U., Leitl P., Levit D., Liemann G., Liu Z., Lütticke F., Macharski L., Mariñas C., Mccarney S., Moser H.G., Moya D., Müller F.J., Müller F., Münchow D., Niebuhr C., Ninkovic J., Packheiser U., Paul S., Peric I., Poblotzki F., Rabusov A., Reiter S.P., Richter R., Ritter M., Ritzert M., Rummel S., Sanchez J.G., Scavino B., Schaller G., Schnecke M., Schopper F., Schreeck H., Schwenker B., Sedlmeyer R., Sfienti C., Simon F., Skambraks S., Soloviev Y., Spruck B., Stever R., Stolzenberg U., Takahashi M., Tafelmayer E., Vila I., Virto A.L., Vogt S., Vos M., Wang C., Wermes N., Wessel C., Wieduwilt P., Windel H., Ye H., Zhao J., Belle-II DEPFET and PXD Collaboration, 2020, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 958,
DANAE: A new effort to directly search for dark matter with DEPFET-RNDR detectors, Kluck H., Bähr A., Ninkovic J., Schieck J., Shi H., Treis J., 2020, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 958,
Hunting keV sterile neutrinos with KATRIN: Building the first TRISTAN module, Houdy T., Alborini A., Altenmüller K., Biassoni M., Bombelli L., Brunst T., Carminati M., Descher M., Fink D., Fiorini C., Gugiatti M., Huber A., King P., Korzeczek M., Lebert M., Lechner P., Mertens S., Pavan M., Pozzi S., Radford D.C., Sedlak A., Siegmann D., Urban K., Wolf J., 2020, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1468, 1